The Most Common Misconceptions of International Hiring

The Most Common Misconceptions of International Hiring

With remote work gaining more traction amongst employees, employers are now considering how to make the shift to remote work more permanent. Lately, the news has been awash with stories of people willing to quit their jobs instead of giving up on working from home. Returning to their home countries or moving elsewhere to work have also become popular options for employees, leaving some companies struggling to adjust to remote work globally.

International hiring is a great way to build a global presence, but it’s also forcing companies to create new work environments that focus on the employee’s experience. Remote work isn’t just for bigger companies or conglomerates, either. With the help of global employment services, small and medium sized businesses can grow their global teams, too. 

That said, growing a global team doesn’t come without pitfalls. There are many misconceptions around what global employment services providers can offer. We’ve put together a list of the most common myths about international hiring so you can better understand what services are available to inform your journey through the (not-so-complex) world of international hiring.

Myth #1: International hiring is only limited to payroll 

Unsurprisingly, we found that hiring managers assume that international hiring support is limited to certain logistical services. 61% of our respondents said they are aware of international/global payroll services. But there are actually many more services and tools out there to help you build your international hiring strategy. 

Some of the less known services are Employers of Record (EORs), Professional Employer Organisations (PEO) or virtual employer solutions. Different global employment service providers cover different services, and we’ll get into what’s available to you here.

Myth #2: I have to be a large company to hire globally

This is untrue. Companies big and small can hire globally, with the right support. 

A global employment services provider, such as Omnipresent, helps companies employ new talent all around the world. What they offer and where they are able to operate really depends on the provider. In general, the typical services include:

Remote work is being offered more and more by companies of all sizes, and employees are growing to expect that flexibility. To cater to the changing needs of a global workforce, employment service providers can offer a lot of support to make the international hiring process as painless as possible. 

The best provider will go above and beyond to make sure you’re employing your talent compliantly. They’ll be upfront about what they can offer you, what their services will cost you, and how long it will take them to get your new employees onboarded.

Myth #3: All global employment service providers offer the same services

Once again, this is a common misconception and, we can assure you, that not all global service providers will offer you the same service, products or support as you hire your remote team.

48% of our respondents said they expect salary benchmarking to be a service offered by global employment services providers, but not all employment service providers do. 44% of respondents also expect support through benefits benchmarking services. 

Global employers are thinking about what’ll keep their employees engaged and convince the best global talent to join their team. Attractive salaries and benefits are really important for employee retention and successful recruitment. But managing fair salaries and benefits across a global team is difficult. 

Myth #4: Global employment service providers can’t help me expand internationally

Many employers are largely unaware how how global employment services can help them expand internationally. Only 23% thought providers could help them with their global expansion. If global expansion is a key area of support you’re looking for, the right provider will be able to help you reach your goals. You need to be selective about what you need and align your choices with your business objectives from the beginning.

The right provider can support you in finding the right global expansion, salary and benefits benchmarking strategy for your team if that’s what is important to you. Given the variation in what is actually offered by providers, the best way to find the right international hiring support for you is to ask yourself what your business and employees need to succeed as a global team.

Myth #5: Compliance and support aren’t as important as cost

Yet another international hiring myth debunked! Cost is important when choosing a provider to support you. But so are compliance and the service level. 43% of all respondents felt that not only the cost of a global employment services provider was important - compliance and the service that they’re getting matter too. If your company isn’t supported in this area, it may result in heavy fines, loss of business or, even, worse. 

Hiring compliantly across multiple countries is a mammoth task for any employer. This includes managing things like:

  • compliant employment contracts
  • probationary periods
  • performance improvement plans
  • terminations

The list of local employment regulations to watch out for is long. That’s why compliance and the right service level are top of mind for employers seeking international hiring support. When choosing the right provider, ask them directly about how their services can support you in employing compliantly wherever you plan to hire.

Myth #6: I have too many needs, I will need to hire multiple service providers to help me 

Global employment services providers offer a wide range of services so it is usually a question of understanding your own needs. When considering which provider can support you best, you’ll need to think carefully about what services your business would best benefit. While many employers know what they are looking for or what to expect, it’s about making sure you’re looking for them in the right place. 

This is just a small taste of the kinds of misconceptions around global employment services and what services they really provide. Read the full report to better understand the space that can help you build out your international hiring strategy quickly and compliantly.